The bees were given a lot πŸ˜‰. Help them out by connecting their houses in the hive.

How to playπŸ–±οΈ

Use your mouse  to place 2 out of 3 pieces (which is your lot to pick from 😜).  Pieces can be rotated using the mousewheel or the Q/E keys.

After connecting all bees you will get 10 points and extra time for each bee, but lose points for unconnected routes.  You can also use the SKIP button to skip the current hive but it will cost  you a bit of time.

Complete as many lots/hives as possible to score the most points. Do share your score in the comments or on the bevy discord. My personal best is 438.


lot (noun)

  • a portion of land
  • the use of lots as a means of deciding something

Feedback welcome

After you are finished rating the game, feel free to roast me, I'm very much open to constructive feedback no matter how harsh it might be.

Because jams happen just imagine hearing pleasant upbeat music and punchy SFX and while you are at it picture a nice interactive tutorial too.

Known issues

  • dragging sometimes goes wonky  on later hives (when the camera zooms out) which might make them much harder to play 
    • if you'd like to try out the later levels without this issue than after rating the itch version you can try out the patched version that fixes just this very bug on github pages
  • no SFX and/or music 😭
  • should have named it Bee Line...


Beware, the code is terrible

Some amazing bevy crates



Bee Trails 0.2.1 - Win 12 MB


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Really cute. Here's some feedback for the web game (some of it is quite nitpicky, because overall it's really polished):

- Scroll wheel to rotate does not work well on web, because it also scrolls the page - ideally you'd capture/suppress the web scrolling event (not sure how to actually do this in bevy)

- Q/E limits how fast I can rotate a piece based on the animation - let me rotate as fast as I can press the buttons, and spin the piece to catch up, please!

- On the larger levels, I guess since the camera is zoomed out, the pieces don't track the mouse (unless the mouse is over a placeable hex, in which case it snaps to the right spot). This just feels kinda janky

- When I'm dragging a piece, I expect it to always be on top of the board, but other previously-placed pieces seem to show up on top. Likewise, it would be nice if there was a drop-shadow or something showing that it's "above" the other pieces.

- The timer keeps ticking down during the "win" animation, which feels unfair - ideally it would pause until I can start playing the next game

The concept is really neat and surprisingly fun! The graphics and interface are really polished, aside from the bugs mentioned above. The fact that you even have a tutorial is great, and it actually makes lots of sense!

It would be fun if the "active" roads had bees traveling back/forth or something similar, as a sort of reward for (partially) solving the puzzle. 

Wow, thank you so much for taking the time. This is wonderful feedback. I'd like to return the favour, but there's no game on your profile (actually nothing except this very post).

  • Good call, I switched itch to the fullscreen version which doesn't suffer from that, because there's nowhere to scroll to.
    bevy has `prevent_default_event_handling` in `Window` settings, which I have disabled unfortunately. Not sure if that catches scroll, but if it doesn't I'm pretty sure, I could just catch scroll in the wrapper html in js and `ev.preventDefault` to handle that
  • That's true - I mainly did that to throttle mouse scroll events, but I should have tested that more and limit it to just those events or lower the throttled duration
  • Sorry about that bug - there's a link to a fixed version in the  itch description. (I fixed like 2 minutes after the extended submission period...).
    If you have rated and you'd like to try later levels, than you could check that out πŸ™‚
    If I were to redo that, I would also skip the snapping and highlight the target hexes instead. The current snapping tween is janky when the movement goes too fast (over the board).
  • I thought I handled z order properly, but clearly some stuff is still spawned higher than it should be, oops.
  • Great point. I actually wanted to do that, but it was just too low prio.
  • I wanted to add travelling bees too, but that would have been after audio and you have not heard how that didn't work out πŸ˜…

I wouldn't call the first screen a tutorial - I even forgot to mention rotation, but it least made it (second to last addition like 30 mins before the deadline actually).


Art is really cute, this felt really polished. I was surprised how difficult this could be - I loved the gameplay & concept.

(1 edit)

THX πŸ™‚

FYI commenting on the submission page instead will show your entry in the UI. Here I have to click thru yr profile to get to it.